So it's been a busy month and a half around my house; at the beginning of July we found out that my father's lung cancer had spread to his brain. My father decided that he was going to fight on, and asked me to shave his head to prepare for radiation.
George W. Nehr: April 14, 1956-August 3, 2012
My dad always made sure to put on a brave face for us; I know he must have been scared... I will always admire him for this. He was getting radiation every weekday. On Thursday, August 2nd, my father needed a ride to his radiation appointment, so I took him, he seemed better than he had been, and I am happy that he got one last good day. The next morning at around 9:30 in the morning I got the phone call telling me that my father passed away. With the help of my husband and despite my grief, I called Jessica (my sister) and my Aunt Heidi; luckily my aunt took it upon herself to call the rest of my father's siblings. After everyone got into town we all decided that we weren't going to mope, we were going to celebrate him, we were going to enjoy stories about him, we were going to laugh; and we did. We looked at every picture in my house and my mother's house, and rediscovered so many memories. Looking at pictures of my father with me and Jessica, and with Amalie and Delanie, I see so much pride and love in his face. We had a celebration of his life with his coworkers, friends and family. I miss him everyday, but I'm starting to consult Google for the home improvement questions I would normally ask my dad.
Since my father's passing I have been trying to occupy my time with projects, cleaning/organizing, and getting Amalie ready for Kindergarten.
Here she is with her schultute (German school cone)
Her first day of school board.
Right before we left the house. She has been loving school, but not the homework.
I also got most of my sewing room finished, I just have a few small things to do to finish up.
I got the shelves up and storage boxes labeled. (I know it looks kinda messy, but I know where everything is so it works for me)
The opposite wall has my cork board and magnet boards I made out of old cookie sheets.
This is the beautiful sign my very talented sister-in-law, Marina, made me for my birthday.
The only thing I have left to do is put down a transition strip for the doorway and then it will be done. There are many other project I have completed around here but I will get to those at another time. See you later!